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-## Example Config File 
-## ppplog 1.0 
-## supplied by Clemens Wacha <wacha@gmx.ch> 
-# comments start with '#' .. ahaaa ;-) 
-# defaults in [] 
-# options are CASE SENSITIVE (yes im lazy..) 
-# debug [0] 
-# if enabled lists lots of debug messages 
-#debug 1 
-# check_delay [1] 
-# time between connection tests. ppplog sleeps exaclty check_delay  
-# seconds. you can increase this value as you like. ppplog will stop 
-# accounting as soon as it detects that the link is down (which takes more time 
-# if check_delay is big). 
-#check_delay 1 
-# dial_delay [0] 
-# the delay in seconds between the start of pppd and the actual internet 
-# connection. depends on your phone company. normally they charge you as soon 
-# as the line is established. 
-# dial_delay 0 
-# silent [0] 
-# you will get no output if silent is 1 
-#silent 0 
-# background [0] 
-# program goes to background immediately after start. useful if you 
-# would like it to run as a service 
-#background 0 
-# Accounting Information # 
-# config [no default] 
-# THIS LINE IS IMPORTANT! The line creates a new set of zone definitions. All accounting 
-# options after this line are attached to the config set. So this line has to appear before you  
-# define log-/savefiles zone definitions etc. If you want to log costs for another 
-# phone company at the same time just add another 'config' option. 
-#config my_sunrise_definition 
-# logfilename [~/ppplog.log] 
-# where do you want the logfile to be. set to /dev/null if you dont like a  
-# logfile (why do you use this program???). gets updated every time a connection 
-# gets closed. 
-#logfilename /usr/local/etc/ppplog/ppplog.log 
-# savefilename [~/.ppplog] 
-# the file where ppplog keeps track of the running costs. the file gets 
-# updated every time a connection gets closed. 
-#savefilename /usr/local/etc/ppplog/ppplog.save 
-# isolog [0] - nice format 
-# do you prefer a nicley formatted logfile or an ISO compliant (hopefully) 
-# logfile for further processing? 
-#isolog 0 
-# isodelim [" "] 
-# only used if isolog = 1. the delimiter between the log entries 
-#isodelim "," # CSV Mode 
-# initial_cost [0.00] 
-# some phone companies charge you an establishing fee. (i.e. sunrise in  
-# Switzerland = 0.03/per call 
-#initial_cost 0.03 
-# min_cost [0] 
-# a call always costs at least that much. even if your phone call would cost 
-# less because it didn't took long enough. depends on your phone company. 
-# normally you set either initial_cost or min_cost. 
-#min_cost 0 
-# currency_before ["$"] 
-# a text string displayed before the cost if silent = 0. if isolog = 1 this 
-# is the string used in the log file. 
-#currency_before "CHF" 
-# currency_after [""] 
-# displayed in formatted log and if silent = 0 after the cost. 
-#currency_after "" 
-# uom_cost [1] 
-# the unit of measure cost (in seconds) is used to simplify the zone cost  
-# entries. most phone companies tell you the phone cost per hour. In this  
-# case set uom_cost to 3600. see the examples below and mail me if that is  
-# unclear. 
-#uom_cost 3600 
-# day [no default] 
-# day is used to simplify the zone entries. just select the days when the zone 
-# is active. if the zone is active on weekday's, write day 1 2 3 4 5. 1 stands 
-# for monday, 2 for tuesday etc. 
-#day 1 2 3 4 5 
-# zone [no default] 
-# zone defines a cost zone. this is the most important option here. tell  
-# ppplog when the zone starts, when it ends, how long a unit is and how  
-# much the unis costs. example 
-#      name of zone   starts at 08:00 ends 17:00  unit 1 sec and costs 1.5 
-# zone "normalcharge" 08 00           17 00                    1.50 
-# if it costs 1.5 per hour remember to set uom_cost 3600. 
-#zone char* int int  int int   int float 
-# specialday [no default] 
-# specialday is a special zone used for national holidays. the format is similar 
-# to zone. remark the last 3 parameters. special days are always checked first. 
-# ppplog uses the first zone that matches the current time and date!! 
-# specialday name starthour startmin stophour stopmin unitlength unitcost day month year 
-#specialday "x-mas" 08 00 23 00 1 1.5 24 12 2003 
-# include [] 
-# include reads another config file. this helps you keep national holiday 
-# definitions in a seperate file. of course you can put any config options 
-# into that file 
-#include /usr/local/etc/ppplog/myholidays.conf 
-## Example1 ################ 
-# sunrise switzerland has 3 zones on weekdays and 2 zones on weekends. 
-# they charge you per second not per unit. you have to pay 0.03 CHF for 
-# every established call 
-# Weekdays: 
-# 08:00 - 17:00    CHF 1.67 / Hour "Normal Woche" 
-# 17:00 - 23:00    CHF 1.50 / Hour "Nieder Woche" 
-# 23:00 - 08:00    CHF 0.60 / Hour "Nacht Woche" 
-# Weekends: 
-# 08:00 - 23:00    CHF 1.50 / Hour "Nieder Weekend" 
-# 23:00 - 08:00    CHF 0.60 / Hour "Nacht Weekend" 
-# this setup looks like this 
-#config sunrise 
-#currency_before "CHF" 
-#initial_cost 0.03 
-#min_cost 0 
-#uom_cost 3600 
-#day 1 2 3 4 5 
-#zone "Normal Woche" 08 00 17 00 1 1.67 
-#zone "Nieder Woche" 17 00 23 00 1 1.5 
-#zone "Nacht Woche" 23 00 08 00 1 0.6 
-#day 6 7 
-#zone "Nieder Weekend" 08 00 23 00 1 1.5 
-#zone "Nacht Weekend" 23 00 08 00  1 0.6 
-#you can add national holiday here 
-#day 1 2 3 4 5 
-#special "x-mas" 08 00 16 00 1 23 
-#.. etc. 
-# thats it! easy, isn't it? 
-## Example2 ## 
-# swisscom switzerland has 3 zones on weekdays and 2 zones on weekends. 
-# they charge you per unit. every phone call costs at least 0.2 CHF. 
-# costs are rounded up to 0.1 CHF. 
-# Weekdays: 
-# 08:00 - 17:00    CHF 2.8 / Hour "Normal Woche" 
-# 17:00 - 23:00    CHF 1.80 / Hour "Nieder Woche" 
-# 23:00 - 08:00    CHF 0.70 / Hour "Nacht Woche" 
-# Weekends: 
-# 08:00 - 23:00    CHF 1.80 / Hour "Nieder Weekend" 
-# 23:00 - 08:00    CHF 0.70 / Hour "Nacht Weekend" 
-# this setup looks like this 
-#config swisscom 
-#currency_before "CHF" 
-#initial_cost 0 
-#min_cost 0.2 
-#day 1 2 3 4 5 
-#zone "Normal Woche" 08 00 17 00 129 0.1 
-#zone "Nieder Woche" 17 00 23 00 200 0.1 
-#zone "Nacht Woche" 23 00 08 00 514 0.1 
-#day 6 7 
-#zone "Nieder Weekend" 08 00 23 00 200 0.1 
-#zone "Nacht Weekend" 23 00 08 00 514 0.1 
-# you can calculate the unit length with this formula: 
-# 3600 * [cost per unit] / [cost per hour] 
-# round the result. 
-## Have Phun! 
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