Configuration File Parser


cfg_parser is a robust configuration file parser written in C++. It can read and write configuration files preserving any comments made inside the file. It supports escaped characters, quoted text and infinite line length (a whole line must fit into an STL string).



Code Example

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "cfg_parser.h"
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	ConfigParser cfg("test.cfg");
	int i = cfg.get("hier", -1);
	cout << "global hier=" << i << endl;
	i = cfg.get("hier", 0, "section");
	cout << "section hier=" << i << endl;
	string value = cfg.get<string>("testvar", "..not found..");
	cout << "value: " << value << endl;
        // alternative way
	string value2;
	cfg.getVar("testvar", value2);
	cout << "value: " << value << " value2: " << value2 << endl;
        // C strings need an extra function to return a const pointer to the saved element
        // REMARK: the const char* is valid only as long as the keyword exists!!
	test = cfg.getCString("testvar", "bla");
	test2 = cfg.getCString("testvar", "");
	test3 = cfg.getCString("testvar", "");
	printf("test: %s test2: %s test3: %s\n", test, test2, test3);
	printf("test: %s test2: %s test3: %s\n", test, test2, test3);
        // Creating a completely new config file
	ConfigParser t;
	t.set<int>("value 1	b", 25);
	t.set("time", 300);
	t.set("angle", 2.5334);
	t.set("text", "welcome\nall your bayes");
	char* text = "hlablablablabl";
	t.set("text2", text);
	ConfigParser b("new.cfg");
    return 0;


Only relevant members are shown!

class ConfigParser {
	ConfigParser(const std::string& in_file = "");
	// loads the given configuration file
	int readFile(const std::string& in_file);
	// writes the current configuration to the given file. I file not given, write back into the inputfile
	int writeFile(const std::string& out_file = "");
	// returns filname of loaded file
	void getFilename(std::string& in_file);
	// empty lines in config file are written back to the out_file if enable = true.
	// this function has to be called before readFile() since it defaults to false
	void preserveEmptyLines(bool enable = true);
	// return variable from configuration (if non-existent, value remains unchanged)
	void getVar(const std::string& keyword, std::string& value, const std::string& section = "");
	// sets variable in configuration (section and/or variable are added if non-existent)
	// if keyword is "-" then comment is appended to the given section. It is not possible to change the comment afterwards
	void setVar(const std::string& keyword, const std::string& value, const std::string& section = "", const std::string& comment = "");
	// deletes variable from configuration
	void delVar(const std::string& keyword, const std::string& section = "");
	// returns value converted to type T if found, default_value else
	// Remark: does NOT work with char*. Use std::string or getCString() instead
	template <typename T> T get(const std::string& keyword, const T& default_value, const std::string& section = "");
	// set value of keyword (internally converted to string). (works with char* too)
	template <typename T> void set(const std::string& keyword, const T& value, const std::string& section = "");
	// returns const char* if found c_str() of supplied default_value else. Remark that char* is only valid as long as keyword exists!
	const char* getCString(const std::string& keyword, const char* default_value = NULL, const std::string& section = "");
	// adds a section to the configuration (if it does not yet exist)
	void addSection(const std::string& section, const std::string& comment = "");
	// deletes a section (if it exists)
	void delSection(const std::string& section);
	// displays current configuration content using cout
	void debug();

Example Config File

The following file is read-in correctly.

# Test file for cfg_parser

# lets begin with a comment.. well we already did :-)
# simple stuff
keyword = value
test 234
text = "my loooong text including nested \" ! and line\nbreaks\n."

# little bit more complicated
   bal    =   asdfasdfas
	   text2="blaaaldflkadf"#evil comment
		  text3     =		"lets try a note
that lasts
a line"	# and including a comment :-)
# another comment

# yet another comment

adf = adfasdf #bla  a      dffff

hier = 1
hier = 2

[  a ]
adf adsf

[  asdf d]
a asdfdf



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